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versão impressa ISSN 0102-7395


VIVES, Jean-Michel. The voice in psychoanalysis. Reverso [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.66, pp.19-24. ISSN 0102-7395.

This article attempts to examine the importance of voice in the processes of subjectivation. From the clinic of psychoses, the author takes up the hypotheses of Lacan according to which there are traps for the look, saying that there are also traps for the voice, music being one of them: in the same way that a picture is a trap for the look, a song is a trap for the voice. To the author, the song is a mix of the real articulated to the symbolic, while the cry of the siren would be the pure real, not attached to the symbolic. With these elements, the author works the question of the mother's voice addressed to the new born.

Palavras-chave : Voice; Song; Psychoses; Real.

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