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vol.38 número72Nada do que foi será do jeito que já foi um dia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0102-7395


ABREU, Scheherazade Paes de. O psicanalista: talvez, fazer cair as convicções...Psychoanalyst: perhaps dropping convictions. Reverso [online]. 2016, vol.38, n.72, pp.87-93. ISSN 0102-7395.

This paper intends to articulate and to blend remaining pieces of text, faces the meaningless and the multiple meanings, because word is anything but solid, although it is evanescent and sexualized. Maybe to let certainties, letters, senses and sameness fall. Maybe to do other things with crooked things, with subversion, but none of this; without a certain bitterness, without phatos, without the mark that we have boundaries and impossibilities. The writer, the text and the reader sprout together, at the same time. All of them suffer influences through the moment when the subject lives to his own analysis, to his own knowledge. Thus, as the analysis proceeds and advances, the reading becomes morphs and reappears in a parallel position, besides the analytical path that nourishes theory and practice. From the moment when he can create anything itself, the subject will take its plummet, and thus come across his character. I invite the reader to invent a new way of moving at each moment of awakening unconscious, at each moment of the analytical path.

Palavras-chave : Symptom; Phatos; Sense; Psychoanalysis; Psychoanalyst.

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