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vol.47 número2Comportamentos internalizantes: associações com habilidades sociais, práticas educativas, recursos do ambiente familiar e depressão maternaHábitos e estratégias para a realização da lição de casa e variáveis demográficas em estudantes do Ensino Fundamental II índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1980-8623


LOPES, Bruna de Jesus et al. Marital Forgiveness Scale (MOFS): evidence of construct validity in the brazilian context. Psico (Porto Alegre) [online]. 2016, vol.47, n.2, pp.121-131. ISSN 1980-8623.

This study aimed to adapt the Marital Offence-Specific Forgiveness Scale (MOFS) to the Brazilian context, gathering evidences of construct validity (factor and reliability). 205 married people from Brazilian state of Paraíba participated the study (M = 35.8; SD = 10.49; 59% female). They answered the MOFS and demographic questions. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, with MLR estimator, allowed to prove the structure originally proposed, with the following adjustment indicators CFI = 0.94; TLI = 0.92; RMSEA (95% CI) = 0.07 (0.04 to 0.09), presenting acceptable reliability of evidence evaluated by Cronbach›s alpha, homogeneity and composite reliability. A principal component analysis showed a two-dimensional structure, which accounting for 52.6% of the total variance, with Cronbach's alphas of 0.65 (benevolence) and 0.80 (avoidance-resentment). In conclusion, the MOFS presents evidences of acceptable psychometric parameters, favoring its use in future studies about forgiveness within marital relationships.

Palavras-chave : Forgiveness Marriage; Scale; Validity; Adaptation.

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