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vol.19 número3O Ginecologista obstetra e a internetFormação em serviço de profissionais da saúde na área de tecnologia assistiva: o papel do terapeuta ocupacional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


BOARATI, Maria Cristina Brisighello; SEI, Maíra Bonafé  e  ARRUDA, Sérgio Luiz Saboya. Sexual abuse in children and play-therapy: report of an out-patient clinic. Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. [online]. 2009, vol.19, n.3, pp.426-433. ISSN 0104-1282.

The ambulatory clinic of Psychotherapy for children is a service in the mental health of infants and adolescents sector. This service functions in a clinic at Hospital UNICAMP. It receives ambulatory referrals from both the hospital and other services in the city and from regional areas. It offers the following modes of attendance according to the referral made by the psychologist these include: Individual playful psychotherapy, group work and orientation of the parents. It is considered that the infant is a human in developing and that interventions in the psychological scope can do so much in the therapeutic dimension and also as a preventive measure. The objective of the article is to introduce the operations of the ambulatory clinic based on the account of an experience by an infant in psychotherapy that suffered sexual abuse. Its aim is to build on theoretical considerations about the emotional development of the infant and of the sexual abuse that occurs in infancy and discusses the possible interventions in this context. It perceives the importance of creating a warm, caring and sympathetic environment for the family unit, that has been affected by the occurrence of sexual abuse, beyond the dialogue between services, this is something facilitated in the institutional service.

Palavras-chave : psychotherapy; child; hospital; child sexual abuse.

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