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Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología
versão impressa ISSN 0120-0534
TEJEDOR-TEJEDOR, Francisco Javier; GONZALEZ-GONZALES, Salvador Guillermo e GARCIA-SENORAN, María del Mar. Attentional strategies and academic achievement in secondary education. Rev. Latinoam. Psicol. [online]. 2008, vol.40, n.1, pp.123-132. ISSN 0120-0534.
The objective of this work was to verify the relation between attention variables and academic performance in Compulsory Secondary Education, and to find out if the use of these strategies varies with students age, academic level or gender. Using a sample of 602 Compulsory Secondary Education students, the ACRA learning strategies scale was applied. Year-end marks were gathered in June. Results confirm that attention variables - exploration, lineal underline, fragmentation and attention - are those which more directly influence in academic performance. Insofar as frequency of use of techniques and attention strategies are concerned, negative correlations with age could indicate a slight decrease in their use during this educational stage; gender comparisons would indicate girls use them more frequently than boys.
Palavras-chave : Strategies of attention; Academic achievement; Secondary education; Subjects.