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vol.17 número2Fundamentos da avaliação psicológica e a produção de "imagens psíquicas"Avaliação de Grupos Terapêuticos Comportamentais como estratégia de tratamento para pacientes depressivos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Temas em Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1413-389X


PINTO, Raquel Gomes  e  BRANCO, Angela Uchoa. Socialization practices in early childhood education from a sociocultural perspective. Temas psicol. [online]. 2009, vol.17, n.2, pp.511-525. ISSN 1413-389X.

Early childhood education is co-responsible for promoting specific patterns of social interactions among children in their relations to other children, teachers, family members and other adults, such as affiliation, pro-sociability, and cooperation. Teachers plays a central role in children socialization and development, being in a position that can canalize children's interactions in directions other than violence, for instance. Constructive and cooperative interactions have a potential to promote the effective learning of academic abilities and competences, as well as of empathy and mutual respect, both cornerstones of moral development. The present study aimed at analyzing ideas, values and belief orientations of early childhood teachers about the relationships between topics such as socialization, children development, and early childhood education. Sixteen teachers working with young children at public schools in the city of Brasilia were intensively interviewed. Results indicate their surprising inability to define or conceptualize basic concepts related to children socialization and developmental processes within the educational context. We claim for the importance of a collaborative work between psychologists and education professionals to encourage teachers' motivation and competence to promote social objectives within school contexts characterized by constructive, positive social interactions among participants.

Palavras-chave : Early education; Cultural psychology; Socialization; Children cooperation.

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