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vol.12 número23O conflito psíquico na teoria de FreudO campo de problemas da psicanálise e os atos falhos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1415-1138


CAROPRESO, Fátima. The mind-brain relation in freudian metapsychology. Psyche (Sao Paulo) [online]. 2008, vol.12, n.23. ISSN 1415-1138.

This paper discuss the Freudian views on the mind-brain relation. We shall argue that, in Freudian theory, this relation must be considered in two stages: first, the relation between the brain and the unconscious mind, and then the relation between the unconscious mind and the consciousness. The latter remains far more obscure than the former, which allow us to conclude that, for Freud, the ultimate enigma is the consciousness.

Palavras-chave : Freud; Metapsychology; Mind-brain problem; Unconscious; Consciousness.

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