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vol.21 número1O caso Hans e a educação psicanaliticamente orientada: leitura crítica de uma experiência inauguralDe A-Criança ao real infantil: reflexões psicanalíticas acerca da infância índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estilos da Clinica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128versão On-line ISSN 1981-1624


LIMA, Ana Laura Godinho  e  VICENTE, Barbara Caroline. The knowledge on maternity and the experience of maternity: a discourse analysis. Estilos clin. [online]. 2016, vol.21, n.1, pp.96-113. ISSN 1415-7128.

The article analyzes the discourses on maternity and baby health in childcare manuals written by doctors and books written by mothers. It aims to contribute to the study of motherhood and childhood normalization. The theoretical perspective approaches the cultural studies, the gender studies and the concept of experience as formulated by Larrosa-Bondía. In the descriptions of pediatricians, individual cases are erased to make room for the production of specialized knowledge and labor statistics to inform the professional procedures related to the care of the mother and the baby. In the texts from mothers, scientific information are also present, but are exceeded by the reports of their own experiences.

Palavras-chave : maternity; childcare; discourse analysis.

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