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vol.25 número1Entre exílio e exclusão: um dispositivo de acolhimento para os alunos com múltiplas expulsões no Ensino FundamentalO discurso medicalizante e a educação: o sujeito no impasse índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estilos da Clinica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128versão On-line ISSN 1981-1624


MOREIRA, Jacqueline de Oliveira; RODRIGUES, Bianca Ferreira  e  MORGANTI, Juliana. Vicissitudes of adolescences in the semi-freedom socio-educative system: from the weakening of bonds to the search of thyself. Estilos clin. [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.1, pp.89-104. ISSN 1415-7128.

This paper starts from a research that investigated how the case moves the teams of semi-freedom socio- educative system, in a way that makes it possible, in this article, to be taken by the case as a guiding thread of analyses and reflections that demonstrate the particularities contained in a generalized context of poverty and marginalization. Thus, our goal is to complement the existing literature on socio-educational measures, presenting the particularities of adolescence, which we found by meeting semi-freedom professionals. The method used aims to produce a reflection in order to articulate the singularities of the cases with the specific literature The paper was structured in three topics: first, adolescents with focus on the constitution of the self and of their own bodies, with risky behaviours; then, there is a reflection on the relation of the adolescent with the family, more specifically regarding to the generational conflict; and, finally, the difficulties in generational transmission are thought. We concluded that the case-by-case approach is essential for the construction of a view on the adolescents in a judicial situation, so that it can go beyond the stereotypes and locates the subject and his questions.

Palavras-chave : adolescence; semi-freedom; psychoanalysis; adolescent offender.

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