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vol.1 número2A besta desamarrada...É dizível o inconsciente? índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Natureza humana

versão impressa ISSN 1517-2430


DIAS, Elsa Oliveira. About reliability: consequences for the clinical practice. Nat. hum. [online]. 1999, vol.1, n.2, pp.283-322. ISSN 1517-2430.

The purpose of this essay is to examine the meaning of the term "reliability" within the winnicottian maturacional process theory and its relevance to therapeutic task. According to Winnicott, reliability is more than just a desirable quality in human relations: it is the central characteristic of the facilitating - maternal and therapeutic - environment. The specific point to be examined is the essential function of reliability during the earlier stages, when the bases of the personality are being built and the baby is in a state of absolute dependence on the mother. At this moment, the environmental reliability is directly implicated in the constitution of the self as identity and the world's sense of reality. This point has significant clinical implications specially in the treatment of patients who need to regress to the dependence.

Palavras-chave : Reliability; Dependence; Regression; Self; Sense of reality.

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