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vol.21 número2Em primeira pessoaSobre "pedir por um tipo de revolução" na Clínica psicanalítica: o conceito winnicottiano de refressão, cuidado-cura, trabalho no reino das necessidades e criação de novas experiências índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Natureza humana

versão impressa ISSN 1517-2430


RIBEIRO, Caroline Vasconcelos. Para além do inconsciente verbalizável e da memória lacunar: a psicanálise sob o olhar de Loparic. Nat. hum. [online]. 2019, vol.21, n.2, pp.220-257. ISSN 1517-2430.

Prof. Zeljko Loparic has deepened the philosophical discussion - announced by Heidegger in the Zollikon Seminars - around the Freudian concept of the unconscious and, beyond this, has presented to us an original version of the Winnicottian formulations addressing a type of unconscious content, which cannot be verbalized through the fundamental Freudian psychoanalysis nor remembered by a rescue of psychic representations carried by affect and, following this, nor be elaborated in the light of the classical model of analytic interpretation. With this text, we intend to indicate that Loparic, by systematizing the Winnicottian formulation regarding a non-occurred unconscious, makes us think in a relation of the unconscious with the memory, which is not restricted to the filling of gaps and missing links. Additionally, he makes us see another type of reflection about the past, the rescue of the "life history" and the psychoanalytic clinics.

Palavras-chave : unconscious; memory; psychoanalysis.

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