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Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento

versão impressa ISSN 1519-0307versão On-line ISSN 1809-4139


MELLO, Enilda Marta Carneiro de Lima; SILVA, Gabriella lourenço dos Santos; TRIGUEIRO, Rafaella Zveiter  e  OLIVEIRA, Ana Leticia de Souza. The influence of equotherapy in global development in cerebral paralysis: literature review. Cad. Pós-Grad. Distúrb. Desenvolv. [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.2, pp.12-27. ISSN 1519-0307.

INTRODUCTION: Cerebral palsy (CP) is defined as chronic non-progressive encephalopathy of childhood, and is characterized by motor disorders and posture. It is classified as the forms, the site of injury, the etiology and topographical distribution. The equine therapy is a method that uses the horse as a physical therapy tool. The GMFM scale (measurement of gross motor function) evaluates the changes in the large motor function. OBJECTIVE: an integrative literature review was conducted to determine the effect of hippotherapy on an overall balance in children with cerebral palsy based on articles, books and websites. Materials and Methods: The survey was conducted in the following databases: Lilacs, Bireme, Pubmed/Medline, SciELO and Google Scholar, as well as books and websites. RESULTS: 88 articles were found for the search, of these 33 in Google Scholar, of which 23 were excluded and only 10 were selected to compose this research. In the Bireme database, 19 were found, excluded 16 and used in the survey only three. In the Lilacs database, seven were found and none of them were used because they did not fit the pre-established criteria in the research. In the SciELO, two articles were found, excluded one and used one. And finally, 27 articles were found, selected five and excluded 22 articles from Pubmed/Medline database. Out of the 88 articles found, 69 excluded and 19 used to compose the research. CONCLUSION: About the authors that were analyzed, it was observed that equine therapy has a positive effect on overall balance in children with cerebral palsy.

Palavras-chave : Cerebral palsy; Equine-assisted therapy; Rehabilitation; Physical therapy; Postural balance.

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