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vol.3 número1Inventário SF36: avaliação da qualidade de vida dos alunos do Curso de Psicologia do Centro UNISAL - U.E. de Lorena (SP)Relações entre qualidade de vida e estrutura de personalidade em pessoas deprimidas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora

versão impressa ISSN 1676-7314


COSTA, Eloisa Helena Araujo da. O uso do desenho da Figura Humana e da Figura Humana com Tema na investigação psicológica do paciente com diabetes em grupo psicoeducativo no contexto hospitalar. Psic [online]. 2002, vol.3, n.1, pp.28-57. ISSN 1676-7314.

This present work intends to investigate, visualise and understand the psychodynamic aspects of the outpatient who suffers from Diabetes and is being treated in the Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, through the projective technique of the Drawing of the Human Figure (DHF) and the Drawing of the Human Figure with a Theme (DHF-T), based on the procedures of the Drawing-Story with a Theme. In the first item, some considerations are made about physiopathological aspects and adherence to treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, as well as about activities that go together with the treatment, such as education in diabetes in an experience with a newly created Psychoeducational Group. At the same time, a study of the scientific literature is presented, demonstrating the importance of studying Diabetes. This begins with the considerations on psychosomatic medicine, going through the psychodynamic interpretation of the emotional health, and the submittal of tests and inventories, for purposes of technical investigation. It includes a justification for using the procedures of the DHF and DHF-T, to reach the objectives of the research, using for this purpose the method of case history, with a clinical analysis focus. Next, the study investigates how and where the projective technique can help in such a specific context, with the analysis of the formal aspects and the information collected from two outpatients of the Diabetes Psychoeducational Group in the HC/FMUSP. Finally, it presents some considerations on the necessity of doing more research to help the treatment of a chronic disease like Diabetes, which is characterised by difficult adherence to treatment.

Palavras-chave : Diabetes Mellitus; Dsychoeducational group; Psychological evaluation; Psichologic Drawing of the Human Figure (DHF).

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