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vol.4 número6Entre a clínica e o cuidado: a importância da curiosidade persistente para o campo da sáude mentalO enviado: uma interface entre a psicopatologia e a espiritualidade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1679-4427versão On-line ISSN 1984-980X


DIMENSTEIN, Magda. The challenge for mental health policy: the social reinsertion of individuals with mental disturbances. Mental [online]. 2006, vol.4, n.6, pp.69-82. ISSN 1679-4427.

This paper proposes to contribute to the discussion on the challenges that confront the current mental health policy, as to the social reinsertion of individuals with mental disturbances. It is based on two situations that occurred in Brazilian mental health services that demonstrate the current challenges that the mental health managers and health workers face. It is understood that different actions can have clear and direct results on the social reinsertion of mental service clients. However, we focus on three aspects: the dynamics of the health institutions; the construction of an integrated health care network with reorganization of specialized health services, and the debate on the manicomial logic that encompasses daily services and practices of health professionals.

Palavras-chave : Mental health; Social reinsertion; Integrated care; Public policy; Mental health disturbances.

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