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vol.13 número23O gozo feminino e a nominação deus na psicanálise de orientação lacanianaDSM-5 e as alterações dos transtornos de humor: uma análise crítica à luz da teoria psicanalítica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1679-4427versão On-line ISSN 1984-980X


CERATT, Caio Cezar Sangioni  e  COSTA, Paulo José da. The dynamic between word representation and object representation in schizophrenia. Mental [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.23, pp.38-51. ISSN 1679-4427.

The present study intends to discuss the relationship between the concepts of word representation and object representation in schizophrenia on the context of Freud's initial works from 1891 to 1915, seeking to contribute for the understanding of the schizophrenic patient's psyche in agrément with the Freudian's postulates. In the analyzed works, Freud makes use of the repression mechanisms to explain the dynamics of the psychoses. The hypotheses referring to the operation of the language exposed in the work on aphasias in 1891, as well as the specific role of the non-neurotic defense mechanisms of the subsequent works, reappear articulated and mature in the article The Unconscious of 1915, where he approaches in a more systematic way the psychic process, especially that linked to the language of the schizophrenic condition.

Palavras-chave : Word representation; Object representation; Schizophrenia; Psychoanalysis; Sigmund Freud.

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