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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490
BERQUE, Caroline e ROBERT, Philippe. Indication of psychoanalytic family therapy for a family with a child obese. Vínculo [online]. 2016, vol.13, n.2, pp.37-44. ISSN 1806-2490.
The therapeutic process of a family therapy, with a child suffering from obesity, has demonstrated the complexity of such a pathology. The characteristic of the family dynamics is a lack of differentiation mother and child, together with a failure of the family holding. This failure of the family holding is specified by the occurrence of gross elements, the signs of an incestuous problem and domestic violence. The aim of this therapy is not so the presentation of these life events but more a group formulation of these various elements (like chaos and confusion) which occur in the « hic and nunc » of the course of the therapy, thus enabling the process of separation and individuation within the members of the family.
Palavras-chave : indication of family therapy; pediatric obesity; family holding; family violence; problem of separation and individuation.