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vol.17 número1Fatores terapêuticos em grupos abertos: um estudo qualitativoSomatização na gestação: a relação das ansiedades e impressões oníricas sob a perspectiva psicanalítica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


COUTINHO, Mayara Karolina Alvarenga Recaldes Gomes. The short story as a mediator object: a group experience with university students. Vínculo [online]. 2020, vol.17, n.1, pp.119-137. ISSN 1806-2490.

The general objective of this paper is to report the experience of a thematic operative group with university students who used a literary piece (short story) as a mediator object, problematizing the use of this device as a means of mental health care in the university. It is performed the analysis of a session of the operative group with the theme "family" in the light of the theoretical framework of psychoanalysis linkage and the work with groups in institutions. Results: the constitution of the groups took into account the specificities of the university public and the bond with the institution; the short story is a pre-constituted cultural object that mobilizes the preconscious and favors the processes of symbolization; the choice of the short story as a mediator object in the reported groups is in line with the primary task of the university institution; the presented device was constituted as a space of symbolization of the experiences lived in the university and in the interpersonal relations, with potential for the elaboration of the psychic suffering of the young university student. The group mediated by short stories proved to be a mental health care device for university students to be investigated and systematized, with a view to increasing concern about mental health problems in the university institution.

Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; Group; Mediator object; Short story; University students.

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