Serviços Personalizados
Psicologia para América Latina
versão On-line ISSN 1870-350X
MARGARIDA, Sim-Sim e PULIDO, Ramón Fernández. Pasión y experiencias afectivo-sexuales en jóvenes portugueses. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2013, n.24, pp.68-82. ISSN 1870-350X.
The goal in this study was to describe affective-sexual behaviors and their relationship with passion, on a sample of Portuguese people (41.8% boys and 58.2% women) aged between 12-22. A Scale of Passion (Feybesse, Neto & Hatfield, 2011) was the instrument applied, showing good reliability. About 38% of the subjects have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Petting was experienced by 73.2%, 32.6% have experienced coitus, and have had in average two sexual partners. The subjects inquired live passion with intensity, but without influence of sex and age. Those currently dating stable relationships and those with petting or coitus practices show a greater level of passion. The association between passion and greater sexual experience is significant amongst girls. Girls that currently date, have sexual intercourse and are more in love, show a tendency not to wear preservatives. The outcome suggests the need of a bigger investment in sexual education.
Palavras-chave : passion; sexuality; adolescence; romance.