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vol.9 número3Fenomenologia e a pesquisa em psicologia da saúdeA relação clínica: uma forma de "Hospitalidade linguageira" índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista do NUFEN

versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591


MARTINEZ-ROMERO GANDOS, José. Language, hermenutics and existential psychotherapy. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2017, vol.9, n.3, pp.140-149. ISSN 2175-2591.

When we work as Existential Psychotherapists we think about the need and importance of to listen closely, stop, understand and then speak. But, according to Dilthey, only we can determine the comprehension for the sense and the sense for the comprehension. We can to approach the knowledge of other one because we understand that the existence of the consultant has generated structures and in our attempt of understanding we direct ourselves to trying to apprehend the sense of his life. We grant a lot of importance to the Hermeneutics, discipline entrusted to approach the interpretation of the above mentioned structures, allowing a certain degree of knowledge. Heidegger affirms that "The language is the house of the being. In his house the man dwells ". We consider his position and that of other authors on the concept.

Palavras-chave : Existential analysis; Language; Hermeneutics; Therapist.

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