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Perspectivas em análise do comportamento

versão On-line ISSN 2177-3548


SIMONASSI, Lorismario Ernesto; CARDOSO, João Lucas Bernardy  e  SANTOS, Antônio Carlos Godinho dos. Why Baum analysis (2012): "Rethinking reinforcement: allocation, induction and contingency" is important.. Perspectivas [online]. 2012, vol.3, n.2, pp.142-150. ISSN 2177-3548.

Baum (2012) draws attention to the limitation of molecular paradigm analysis, usually made in behavior analysis, especially in basic research. Collected data points to a molar function of reinforcement: organize/ order the organism repertory. Such function is observed in molar analysis, especially in those related to the verbal behavior with no contingent consequences. Even in experimental situation, there are examples of aberrant data in the behavioral science.The verbal behavior may look bizarre, if analyzed separately. In such cases, it's argued that a molar analysis solves the problem in an elegant and plausible way. That doesn't obfuscate the importance of a molecular tradition.

Palavras-chave : molar; molecular; reinforcement; verbal-behavior.

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