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Perspectivas em análise do comportamento

versão On-line ISSN 2177-3548


ALMEIDA-VERDU, Ana Claudia Moreira  e  GOMES, Fernanda Piqueira. Accuracy of speech in naming pictures after formation of equivalence classes in chindren with cochlear implant. Perspectivas [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.2, pp.274-287. ISSN 2177-3548.

This study verified if formation of equivalence classes composed of dictated word, written word and picture, in two boys with hearing impaired and cochlear implant (6 and 7 years old) had effects on your speeches in picture naming and word reading tasks. The speech repertoire, when controlled by picture (naming) was few intelligible than speech controlled by printed word (reading). The procedure teaches relation between dictated word, printed word and pictures; and between dictated and printed syllables, also with two sets of three words, which were pseudoword to one participant and known words to other participant. Equivalence classes tests were conducted at the end of each teaching and naming and reading were probed after each conditional relation teaching and test. The participants learned the taught conditional relations and they showed formation of equivalence classes and improved the speech in naming and reading. The data replicate previous studies on the interdependence of verbal operant after formation of equivalence classes.

Palavras-chave : speech accuracy; picture naming; equivalence classes; hearing loss; cochlear implant.

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