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 número31Reflexões sobre promoção de saúde na escola: invenções e possibilidades de uma extensão universitária índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


CARNEIRO, Cristiana; CORSINO, Patrícia  e  CASTRO, Lucia Rabello de. NIAJ, groundbreaking space for children, adolescents and young people?. Desidades [online]. 2021, n.31, pp.221-232. ISSN 2318-9282.

This interview, which took place during the Festival do Conhecimento UFRJ 2021, tou-ches upon the history of the creation of Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos da Infância, Adolescência e Juventude (NIAJ), through a transformation of Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa e Intercâmbio para a Infância e Adolescência Contemporâneas (NIPIAC), founded in 1998 in Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil. The interview highlights the importance of NIAJ's proposal for the creation of an interdisciplinary graduate program in the field of childhood, adolescence and youth, a novel iniciative in Brazil, led by UFRJ in a joint effort with other public universities in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The possible impacts on the production of knowledge about childhood, adolescence and youth in Brazil and Latin America were discussed, considering the institution-alization of NIAJ as a novel space for interdisciplinary dialogue.

Palavras-chave : childhood; adolescence; youth; interdisciplinarity; university.

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