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vol.41 número67-68Meninas vestem rosa e meninos vestem azul. Destinos da pulsão em tempos de miséria simbólicaAnatomia e destino: o mundo de pernas pro ar... e não só pernas: uma reflexão a partir do filme Bixa Travesty índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0101-3106


FACANHA, Astrid Sampaio. Decipher me or i will devour you: the libertarian conundrum of Camp aesthetics. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2019, vol.41, n.67-68, pp.249-256. ISSN 0101-3106.

Article about freedom in fashion and clothing from the point of view of the Camp aesthetic. Challenging the assumptions of fashion as a manifestation of both collaboration and cohesion, as well as "coercion" or social pressure, Camp imposes itself as a form of resistance, based on the construction of a subjectivity, supported by body ornaments and the conspicuous exposure of the body. By extolling fashion while exposing it as "social pastiche" or "simulacrum" to use Jameson and Baudrillard's terminology respectively, Camp reveals a conceptual and political aesthetic, supported both by the essay written by the us thinker Susan Sontag's Notes on Camp (1964) and the resulting exhibition, "Camp: notes on fashion," held at the Metropolitan Museum (2019). The present article dwells on Camp's theoretical articulation from voices of feminism such as Sontag's own and Australian researcher Robertson's, on the other hand, in portraits Camp as a possible territory to explore the relationship between art and fashion, as proposed by British critic and curator Townsend.

Palavras-chave : Fashion; Art; Critique; Subjectivity; Feminism.

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