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vol.41 número75Sobre transferências e transformaçõesTransferências: estudo dos períodos de término e pós-término índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Jornal de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5835


ALMEIDA, Mariângela Mendes de. Transferences: crossing new boundaries? Instigations from psychoanalytic work with primitive states of mind. J. psicanal. [online]. 2008, vol.41, n.75, pp.167-179. ISSN 0103-5835.

This paper discusses the scope of the concept of transference, since Freud, along the developments produced by psychoanalytic investigation of psychotic aspects of personality (Bion, Rosenfeld), of primitive states of mind (Klein, Meltzer, Tustin, Mitrani, Korbivcher), and of the psychoanalytic work with children with autistic disorders (Alvarez, Reid). Important clinical developments leading to changes in psychoanalytic theory allowed us access to the field of the primitive states of mind, previously considered unreachable by the pioneer himself. However, we can find, in Freud already, some elements which suggest, rather than a postulation of inaccessibility, an opening of field in which the clinical instruments would be always in expansion, as it has been happening with the very concept of transference itself. Clinical vignettes of psychoanalytic work with an autistic child are used to illustrate the discussion, suggesting that a new challenge to the development of the concept of transference could consist in incorporating (or discriminating, creating parallel formulations) primitive aspects of mental functioning which make themselves present within analytic contact.

Palavras-chave : Transference; Primitive states of mind; Autistic disorders.

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