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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


ALVES JUNIOR, Carlos Alencar Souza; NUNES, Heloyse Elaine Gimenes; GONCALVES, Eliane Cristina de Andrade  e  SILVA, Diego Augusto Santos. Suicidal behaviour in adolescents: characteristics and prevalence. J. Hum. Growth Dev. [online]. 2016, vol.26, n.1, pp.88-94. ISSN 0104-1282.

INTRODUCTION: Suicide refers to the conscious desire to die, and suicidal behavior is divided into three stages (thinking, planning and attempted suicide). OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of thinking, planning and suicide attempt and identify the sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle among adolescents in southern Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 1,132 adolescents from public schools in São José, Santa Catarina, Brazil, aged 14-19 years. The thinking, planning and attempted suicide were evaluated by three different questions, taken from the questionnaire Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The independent variables were gender, age, skin color, economic status, sleep quality, perception of body weight, level of physical activity and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: The prevalence of thinking, planning and attempted suicide were respectively 13.8%, 10.5% and 5.5%. Neither crude nor adjusted analysis, the younger adolescents (14-16 years) had the characteristic of suicidal thinking. Teens who slept well had not characteristic they thought, planning and suicide attempt. Finally, adolescents with poor perception of body weight had the characteristic of suicidal thinking. CONCLUSION: Adolescents with suicidal thinking presented characteristic of being young and having inadequate body weight perception. One in ten teenagers thought and planned suicide. Regarding suicide attempt, the ratio was less than one. In addition, adolescents affected by thinking, planning and suicide attempt, had the characteristic not sleep well.

Palavras-chave : suicide; suicidal ideation; adolescent; cross-sectional studies.

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