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vol.47 número1Sobre o senso de inexistência: uma área em ReservePsicanálise e tragédia grega: estéticas do conflito índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X


KORBIVCHER, Celia Fix. ­The theory of transformations and the non-integrated phenomena: dilution and fall. Non-integrated transformations: new perspectives. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2013, vol.47, n.1, pp.111-125. ISSN 0486-641X.

The author examines the relationship between Bions referential and manifestations of the primordial mind; in particular, manifestations of states of non-integration. She uses this concept according to the ideas of Winnicott, Bick, Tustin, Meltzer. She defines the states of non-integration as manifestations of terror caused by the threat of falling into an endless space, of falling into a black hole, of the threat of dilution; ultimately, the threat of loss of existence itself. She discriminates non-integrated phenomena from autistic phenomena already studied previously by her. She studies the relationship between these phenomena and manifestations of the primordial mind, described by Bion in his last writings, which he called "inaccessible states of the mind", and mentions the manifestations of sub-thalamic terror in particular. She uses the theory of Transformations (Bion, 1965/1983) as a theory of observation of mental phenomena in the analytic session with the objective to develop instruments to situate non-integrated phenomena in a recognized theory about the functioning of the mind. Additionally, she inquires about the possibility that the non-integrated phenomena could be part of this theory and suggests as a hypothesis that, in addition to the transformations proposed by Bion and the autistic transformations, non-integrated phenomena would constitute another group of transformations: non-integrated transformations. She presents clinical material in order to illustrate the ideas exposed and discusses the implications and paradoxes that this proposal entails.

Palavras-chave : dementalization; dismantlement; abandonment; terror; nameless terror.

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