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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise
versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X
ROUSSILLON, René e BERLINER, Claudia. The narcissistic-identity trauma and its transference. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2014, vol.48, n.3, pp.187-205. ISSN 0486-641X.
This paper explores the notion of a primary trauma related to a primary narcissistic disillusion produced by the inadequacy of the responses of the first environment in face of the innate expectations and preconceptions of the baby. This primary trauma produces narcissistic-identity suffering of the “psychic agony” type, characterized by having no representation, no exit and by the fact that it is experienced as being endless. In order to survive, the subject must remove himself from his own self, cleaving himself from his experience. Next, he must develop non-symbolic modes of defense and of connections in order to face the return of the traces of the experiences from which he cleaved himself, «return of the cleaved». When, during psychoanalytic work, these experiences return, they generate forms of paradoxical transference or negative therapeutic reactions which impose on the analyst a patient work of reconstruction of the primary relations with the first environment.
Palavras-chave : primary trauma; psychic agony; cleavage of the 'I'; paradoxical transference; passive/active reversion.