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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394


LEITE, Isabel Cristina Badanais Vieira; GODOY, Arilda Schmidt  e  ANTONELLO, Claudia Simone. The learning of managerial skills: managers as actors and authors of their development process. Aletheia [online]. 2006, n.23, pp.27-41. ISSN 1413-0394.

The aim of this study was to understand how managers learn to perform managerial tasks through their own experience. The investigation, of qualitative nature, had general managers of retail bank agencies as participants. The study revealed, as main results, that managers learn managerial skills with the experiences they live, not only the most important ones, but also through everyday tasks. In this process, many forms of learning through experience were cited, with an emphasis on observation and trial-and-error learning. Managers tend to give more privilege to action instead of reflection, which could, as a main consequence, compromise innovation and creativity in the search for new problem-solving alternatives. So, from previous studies and the present investigation, there is the proposal of some recommendations and a model to guide managerial development.

Palavras-chave : Experiential learning; Managerial development; Managerial function.

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