Serviços Personalizados
versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394
ZULKE, Maria Inês Utzig e NARDI, Henrique Caetano. Interfaces of the public and private spheres in the production of the efficiency discourse in professional educational schools. Aletheia [online]. 2009, n.29, pp.161-176. ISSN 1413-0394.
This article discusses the effects of contemporary transformations in the subjectification processes of public professional educational schools workers in Brazilian State’s Reform context. We interrogate the central propositions of the State Reform that have sustained the governmental discourse concerning the inefficiency of public services, which is used to justify the introduction of operating ways characteristic of the private sector logic in this sector. We identified that the inefficiency stigma is not present in the institutions analyzed, interrogating the taken for granted discourse homogeneity concerning the public sector. As explaining possibilities for the good quality and efficiency attributed to the studied schools, we indicate the importance of work’s symbolic value in this context and the private and public interface present in professional education.
Palavras-chave : State reform; Subjectivation processes; Professional education.