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vol.7 número3Rotinas: implicações para a vida e para o ensinoSuporte psicológico ao desenvolvimento de bebês pré-termo com peso de nascimento < 1500 g: na UTI-neonatal e no seguimento longitudinal índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Temas em Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1413-389X


FEITOSA, Maria Angela Guimarães. Challenges to the implementation of new undergraduate psychology curricula. Temas psicol. [online]. 1999, vol.7, n.3, pp.235-243. ISSN 1413-389X.

Through the replacement of a minimum curriculum by according to the general Curricular Guidelines a new conception of undergraduate education in Brazil was introduced. This included a change in language and directions for designing curricula based on abilities and competences. These new guidelines demand explicitness about the professional to be formed, adaptability to contexts, internai consistency of the different components of the proposal, and articulation between production of knowledge and professional performance. The magnitude of these changes and its interaction with Psychology courses in different parts of Brazil suggest a body of obstacles to be overcome for the modernization of the undergraduate Psychology curricula. Scientific associations of Psychology in Brazil are expected to actively accompany the insertion of the new curricula, and to develop strategies to cope with the challenges currently posed.

Palavras-chave : psychology curricula; curricular guidelines; psychology instruction.

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