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vol.9 número2Abordagem dos alunos à aprendizagem: análise do construtoAvaliação da auto-percepção de competência: adaptação da PSPCSA numa população portuguesa índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1413-8271


PEDROSO, Rosemeri Siqueira; OLIVEIRA, Margareth da Silva; ARAUJO, Renata Brasil  e  MORAES, João Feliz Duarte. Translation, semantic equivalence and cultural adaptation of Marijuana Expectancy Questionnaire (MEQ). PsicoUSF [online]. 2004, vol.9, n.2, pp.129-136. ISSN 1413-8271.

The objective of this study was to translate, to adapt culturally and verify the semantic equivalence of the Marijuana Expectancy Questionnaire (MEQ), which evaluates the beliefs to the marijuana’s use, which may be important in the treatment and prognostic of the chemical dependents of this substance. The MEQ was firstly translated from English to Portuguese, administered to 10 persons, and then submitted to brainstorming in a group of 4 persons for individual and verbal reproduction, item by item. Back-translation was executed based on first translation and from brainstorming to the origin language. Soon after, it was translated again into Portuguese. All the process was analyzed by a committee of specialists, which emitted a decision and the pertinent comments. The descriptive judges’ analysis was done verifying frequencies and percentages. Considering the decision of the specialists, the final version of the MEQ (Brazilian Adaptation) was constructed.

Palavras-chave : Semantics equivalence; Expectations; Marijuana; Questionnaire.

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