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vol.14 número1Estudo psicossocial da violência na velhice: o que pensam agentes comunitários de saúde e profissionais de saúde?Cidadão em foco: representações sociais, atitudes e comportamentos de cidadania índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia: teoria e prática

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3687


FEITOSA, Kellida Moreira Alves; SILVA, Tâmara; SILVEIRA, Maria de Fátima de Araújo  e  SANTOS JUNIOR, Hudson Pires de Oliveira. (Re)Construction practices in mental health: professional´s understanding about the process of deinstitutionalization. Psicol. teor. prat. [online]. 2012, vol.14, n.1, pp.40-54. ISSN 1516-3687.

The Psychiatric Reform is a construction process, which key concept is the deinstitutionalization, seeking of mental health care, the hospital-centered model to the psychosocial. The objective of this study was to understand the professional´s conceptions about the deinstitutionalization. It is a qualitative research whose data collection was performed by an interview guide with five professionals working on mental health, participant observation and record in field diary. The results were identified difficulties related to the performance of the professionals anti-asylum when inserted in the anti-asylum model, reflecting the need for organization and human resources development. Another relevant point is related to the distance of the family in the treatment of mental suffering. It can be considered to act in view of psychosocial rehabilitation requires a constant need to rethink practices to articulate the necessary changes in care for the deinstitutionalization process occurs properly.

Palavras-chave : mental health; deinstitutionalization; mental health care; health professionals; mental health services.

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