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vol.15 número2Deficiência auditiva e mercado de trabalho: uma visão de empregadores da cidade de Uberlândia-MGÍndices complementares para o estudo de uma representação social a partir de evocações livres: raridade, diversidade e comunidade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia: teoria e prática

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3687


SPEZANI, Rene Santos  e  OLIVEIRA, Denize Cristina. The profile of the scientific production of knowledge about identity in the field of social representations theory. Psicol. teor. prat. [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.2, pp.104-118. ISSN 1516-3687.

The present study is about an exploratory-descriptive systematic review - with a quali-quantitative approach - which aimed to identify the profile of the scientific production conveyed in theses, dissertations and articles regarding the concept of identity related to the social representations theory. The data used in this research were collected in the virtual portals of the institutions Capes, Bireme Bdenf, USP, UFRJ and Uerj; from papers published in the time frame from 2000 till 2011, which presented in theirs abstracts the descriptors terms identidade (identity) and representação social/representações sociais (social representation(s)) or theirs equivalents in English or Spanish. The results indicate that social representations can be shared among different individuals, corroborating so, for the understanding of the construction of identities under different perspectives. We conclude that the approach to the problem of the identity - on the bases of the social representations theory - shows complex and productive faces, which can be characterized as a typical human (re)construction phenomenon; and therefore, in constant evolution.

Palavras-chave : construction of knowledge; identity; scientific research; interpersonal relationships; social representation.

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