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vol.10 número4Mulheres encarceradas: elas, seus filhos e nossas políticasTeatro e formação cultural: limites e possibilidades da arte da representação como testemunho do sofrimento índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148


SILVA, Antonio Carlos Barbosa da  e  FERRAZ, Carlos. O grupo como produtor de singularidades: o processo subjetivo como forjador de singularidades frente às pessoas que vivem com as DSTs. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.4, pp.1355-1364. ISSN 1518-6148.

The personal experience respective is a description of an psychosocial intervention effectuated in the year of 2007 in an institution not government, in the city of Taubaté, with a group of women infected with the virus HIV. We will present in the short form our work, which happened through a therapeutic group, that had as device, the production of new process of subjectivizing with these women in the conduction of them condition of life after the infection with the virus HIV. To determine our actions use the theoretical assumptions of genealogy, of psychology and the theory of institutional operating group with emphasis on aspects of group discussion. During approximately twelve meetings with the denser group work topics such as social violence (inequality of rights, prejudice and stigma), treatment of the condition of serum positive when marked by ambivalence to treatment and the use of defense mechanisms: denial, projection and omnipotence, the weak and intense physical and mental suffering resulting from this process.We end our exhibition while presenting the discursive constructions and, consequently, the multiforms singular potentialities of the group that appeared with our psychosocial interventions.

Palavras-chave : HIV; Psychosocial; Women; Group; Subjectivity.

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