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vol.4 número1Avaliação do desempenho escolar e habilidades básicas de leitura em escolares do ensino fundamentalQualidade de vida, depressão e características de personalidade em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Avaliação Psicológica

versão impressa ISSN 1677-0471versão On-line ISSN 2175-3431


COUTO, Gleiber; HATTUM, Antonius Cornelius F. M. van; VANDENBERGHE, Luc Marcel Adhemar  e  BENFICA, Emerson. Translation, semantic analysis and adaptation of check list of interpersonal transactions - revised. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2005, vol.4, n.1, pp.45-56. ISSN 1677-0471.

Goal of the present study was to develop a Brazilian version of CLOIT-R. Research was performed with 551 persons from 13 to 52 years old, 66% female and 34% male, who were attending school at levels from last year of basic school to third semester of higher education, 25% at government and 75% at private schools. CLOIT-R is an instrument constructed to measure interpersonal behaviour, consisting of 96 items describing actions corresponding to dimensions in 16 categories of interpersonal behaviour. After translation and semantic analysis the subjects were asked to answer the questionnaires and note the expressions and words they didn't understand. This resulted in changes to better adapt CLOIT-R to the Brazilian way of expressing oneself. In total 89 words and expressions were scored as not understood. In conclusion CLOIT-R can be considered adapted to the Brazilian culture needing studies into the psychometric characteristics.

Palavras-chave : Translation; Adaptation; Interpersonal relations; Evaluation scales; Inventory.

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