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versão impressa ISSN 1679-4427


BERNAL, Heimy Carolina Roa. Case analysis of paranoid psychosis (case Ela). Mental [online]. 2012, vol.10, n.18, pp.129-164. ISSN 1679-4427.

The statement 'clinical examination of Aimée's case', narrated by Jacques Lacan in his 1932 Medicine thesis, "From paranoid psychosis in its relations with the personality," operates as the structural basis for the "Ela" case analysis builds the patient's history, from her statement, and from the people closest to her life. From that story, the complete description and psychotic "Ela" reading were done, having as fundamental basis the psychoanalysis, which also allows for the relevant explanation using the text, "Comprensión y tratamiento de la psicosis. Un abordaje clínico psicoanalítico desde la concepción de Freud y Lacan " written by Jairo Báez.

Palavras-chave : Case studies; psychosis; paranoid; history; psychoanalysis.

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