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vol.12 número22O feminino e suas nuances: uma relação entre o conceito de devastação e a violência contra a mulherAs atuais políticas de saúde mental no Brasil: reflexões à luz da obra de Cornelius Castoriadis índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1679-4427versão On-line ISSN 1984-980X


PACHECO, Sofia Uchôa Cavalcanti; RODRIGUES, Silvia Rita  e  BENATTO, Marcelo Costa. The importance of CAPS user empowerment for (re)construction of your life project. Mental [online]. 2018, vol.12, n.22, pp.72-89. ISSN 1679-4427.

The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of further the active role of the user in mental health treatment, recognizing the subject in all his complexity, including his potential and possibilities of (re)construction. It was used as a method of study the case of a Psychosocial Attention Center (CAPS II) user from a city on the metropolitan region of Curitiba to illustrate the importance of "listening" and recognizing her desires and expectations, including the analysis and revision of the diagnosis, as well as her singular view on mental health. During the investment work in the singularity of the user, after to overcoming her initial aggression, better communication with the mental health treatment was noticed as well as an improvement on the bond with the service and more acceptance in relation to pharmacotherapy. From the moment that the user understood her suffering and how the treatment on CAPS could help her, her adherence and acceptance improved and interfered positively on her therapeutic development, promoting new opportunities of future and her empowerment, with an appreciation of her singularity.

Palavras-chave : mental health; case study; diagnosis; uniqueness.

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