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vol.12 número12Perspectiva futura del Perú y el nivel de satisfacción con él índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1729-4827versão On-line ISSN 2233-7666


TINOCO AMADOR, Josué R.; GONZALEZ NAVARRO, Manuel  e  ARCIGA BERNAL, Salvador. Religiousness and political preference in university students of the Mexico City. Liberabit [online]. 2006, vol.12, n.12, pp.123-134. ISSN 1729-4827.

There are a few investigations about social psychology of religion in Latin America; until now, there are just focused on some aspects of participation and assistance to the church, but not about the religious thinking. In this article, it is showed some results about the religiosity in young people of universities of Mexico, using a scale of religiosity (alpha=.93 and variance=60%), specifically about the relation between religious and political preference. Right wind people has more religiosity than left wind people (p<.001). Interestingly, there not exists statistical differences between men and women people about religiosity: both of them has similarities means. These findings are discusses to try to get a kind of religious thought.

Palavras-chave : Religion; Young people; Politics; Social psychology.

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