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vol.12 número22O brincar como meio facilitador da expressão da criança sob a perspectiva da Gestalt-terapia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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IGT na Rede

versão On-line ISSN 1807-2526


SANTOS, Tatiana Queiroz de Almeida. Psychological evaluation in child care: A gestalt perspective. IGT rede [online]. 2015, vol.12, n.22, pp.08-27. ISSN 1807-2526.

This article presents reflections that arise from clinical experience with children and the construction of the course of children's psychological evaluation conducted in IGT- Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Family Services. We discussed the fact refer still in testing, to think in psychological assessment. Think about the concept of psychological evaluation, differentiating it from the concept of psycho. Seek to understand in what sense the child initial psychological assessment differs from psychotherapy. We present a brief account on the design of man for Gestalt Therapy, illustrating our proposed practice of child psychological evaluation from a clinical case. Finally, we consider our proposal as another possibility among other existing, where testing is one of the possible resources, which is justified by contributing to the clinical management of the professional, and in some cases contribute to the dialogue with parents, school and other professionals.

Palavras-chave : Psychological assessment;; child care;; Gestalt- Therapy.

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