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vol.12 número22"Bullying": a violência na escola contemporânea sob o enfoque da abordagem GestálticaRelato da Experiência em Grupo: Lidando com a Criação de Vínculos no Grupo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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IGT na Rede

versão On-line ISSN 1807-2526


FADEL, Fábio Costa  e  PINHEIRO, Márcia Estarque. Group Gestalt Therapy: what is it?. IGT rede [online]. 2015, vol.12, n.22, pp.196-239. ISSN 1807-2526.

The purpose of this monograph is to achieve a basic understanding of what the group of Gestalt therapy . Therefore , deepens the concepts about group and group psychotherapy , and offer the following production Portuguese articles published between 2009 and 2013 in journals indexed in the VHL , SciELO and PePSIC containing the Gestalt therapy and group descriptors . The collateral is broader , and includes books , dictionaries , besides Google search site and personal

Palavras-chave : Group of Gestalt therapy; Gestalt-therapy; group; group psychotherapy; group psychotherapist.

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