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vol.11 número1Psicologia e ensino superior: aspirações pequeno-burguesas e contradições cotidianas em cotistas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Psicologia da IMED

versão On-line ISSN 2175-5027


SOUZA, Vera Lucia Trevisan de  e  NEVES, Maura Assad Pimenta. School psychology in public high school: the rap as mediation. Rev. Psicol. IMED [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.1, pp.6-26. ISSN 2175-5027.

This article presents part of a research that investigates the potential of music, in this cut the rap, in the mobilization of imaginative and creative processes of high school students of a public school. Approaching a vision of adolescence as a historical and cultural production, it aims to highlight the importance of giving voice to adolescents when it comes to think about and act on their current and future living conditions. Underlying this article allows to reflect on the performance of the psychologist in school, when anchored in a critical perspective that focuses the collective as power for the transformation of reality. The analysis is based on the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Historical-Cultural Psychology, prioritizing the concepts of imagination and thought by concept, psychological functions that assume prevalence in adolescence. Two meetings involving 40 students in music appreciation activities, reflection about the biography of two rappers and their music and music production were selected as the object of the present analysis. The results demonstrate that the experience with music, especially rap, seems powerful in promoting meanings and senses about adolescents' lives, and can promote new relations and perceptions about their current ways of life and their future possibilities.

Palavras-chave : School Psychology; Rap; Adolescence; Imagination; Public School Education.

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