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vol.10 número1Escutando quem cuida: quando o cuidado afeta a saúde do cuidador em saúde mentalEconomia comportamental: delineamento de um experimento com o Marcador Biológico 2D:4D índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia e Saúde

versão On-line ISSN 2177-093X


ALBUQUERQUE, Deisiane Rodrigues  e  ARAUJO, Marley Rosana Melo de. Precarious work and mental disorders prevalence in correctional agents of the state of Sergipe. Rev. Psicol. Saúde [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.1, pp.19-30. ISSN 2177-093X.

Prison officers may suffer from pressures resulting from both work organization and social phenomena. These factors cause an unfavorable scenario for these professionals work performance, and for their own health. This article examined the relationship between precarious work conditions of prison officers of the State of Sergipe and the development of common mental disorders (TMCs), in the Penitentiary Manoel Carvalho Neto (COPEMCAN) in São Cristóvão (SE). We analyzed 25 prison officers between 35 and 60 years of age, all males, via Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ- 20) and semistructured interviews. We detected the presence of signs of CMD, which can be considered a susceptibility to illness.

Palavras-chave : common mental disorders; precarious work; prison officers; mental health.

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