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Perspectivas em análise do comportamento

versão On-line ISSN 2177-3548


GUIMARAES, Luisa Schivek  e  LUNA, Sergio Vasconcelos de. Teacher's Behavior Under Control of Student's Behavior: An Intervention in the Natural Context. Perspectivas [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.2, pp.256-273. ISSN 2177-3548.

This study aimed to evaluate if the exhibition of a teacher's classes scenes to him, followed by questions about the displayed interactions, feedbacks about the analysis of the interactions made by him and the proposition of alternative actions would be capable of altering the behavior of the teacher in the classroom. The participant was a teacher of the 5th grade who indicated a student with learning difficulties to be the focus of the study. Six classes of the participant were filmed in the period of pre-intervention and the frequency of teacher's and student's responses on the videos were recorded according to categories. It was observed that few teacher's responses were emitted under control of the student. The intervention consisted of four meetings with the researcher in which classes excerpts were shown to the teacher, questions about the behavior sequence shown were made, and, next, observations and suggestions of alternative actions were presented by the researcher. In the next classes following the two first interventions the teacher interacted more with some students, but no changes in her behavior related to the target student were observed. Some changes in teacher's interaction with the student were observed in the two last classes: in the third class the teacher offered more tips and feedbacks, and in the fourth she directed more questions and offered more aid to the student.

Palavras-chave : teacher's behavior; classroom management; applied behavior analysis.

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