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vol.3 número2"Liderança muito perigosa": relatos de líderes comunitários vítimas da violência urbana no Rio de Janeiro índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista EPOS

versão On-line ISSN 2178-700X


RODRIGUES, Ricardo Santos. Entre o passado e o agora: diáspora negra e identidade cultural. Rev. Epos [online]. 2012, vol.3, n.2. ISSN 2178-700X.

From the propositions of Stuart Hall discusses the concept of diaspora and its effects, the broad process of constitution of cultural identity that engenders the present civilization of African people that were around the "New World". Moreover, it calls into question the ideals of "purification" that underlie our conceptions of culture as a given waterproof and averse to syncretism, intending to our conceptions of racial or ethnic origin. This paper revisits the notions of origin and is supported by african-Brazilian traditions to confirm the proposition that there is the possibility to achieve a purity that inform who we are as african descent.

Palavras-chave : diaspora; migration; cultural identity and blackness.

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