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vol.8 número1Una declaración de principios éticos en psicología para toda la humanidadRelaciones sociales en preescolares considerando cuatro variables: trabajo en grupo; juego; liderazgo y afecto índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Eureka (Asunción) en Línea

versão On-line ISSN 2220-9026


ZARACHO, Esther  e  YANHO, Carlos. Correlation of quality of life-satisfaction and levels of burn-out in supermarket cashiers Asunción. Eureka [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.1, pp.19-34. ISSN 2220-9026.

This non-experimental research and correlational study, seeks to understand the relationship between quality of life - satisfaction and levels of Burn Out Syndrome in supermarket cashiers in the city of Asuncion. The sample consists of supermarket cashiers in Asuncion, selected through a probability, not intentional sampling technique, and considering voluntary participation. The applied instruments were the Quality of Life Questionnaire and Satisfaction of Endicott and the Inventory Maslach Burn Out. The analysis and data processing techniques used descriptive and inferential statistics.

Palavras-chave : Quality of Life-Satisfaction; Burn Out; Supermarket cashiers.

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