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Eureka (Asunción) en Línea

versão On-line ISSN 2220-9026


VERA, Norma Coppari de et al. Relationship between new technologies and communication preference in students of second year of secondary education. Eureka [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.2, pp.231-240. ISSN 2220-9026.

It has been made a correlational analysis between knowledge and usage of new technologies and preference in communication of second year of Secondary Education (11th grade) students from a selected public school. The sample was intentional, self-selected and composed of 277 students. A descriptive, exploratory and correlational design was applied. The used instruments were the following questionnaires: "Knowledge and Usage of New Technologies of Information and Communication (NITC's)" and "Young people's Preference in Daily Communication". The results indicated that there is a correlation between knowledge and usage, and the preference of communication in students attending second year of Secondary.

Palavras-chave : Preference; Knowledge; Usage; NITC's; Correlational Analysis.

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