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Estudos Interdisciplinares em Psicologia
versão On-line ISSN 2236-6407
DE LIMA, Milton Bezerra e DONARD, Véronique. The helplessness of the rabble. Est. Inter. Psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.11, n.3, suppl.1, pp.100-116. ISSN 2236-6407.
This article proposes to reflect on the possibilities of an expanded psychoanalytic clinic from the perspective of adolescents in conflict with the law. It considers the situation of social and discursive helplessness to which most of them are submitted as a social class devoid of citizenship horizons, which makes it the privileged object of the judicialization of social inequality. Based on Agamben's philosophy and Souza's sociology, the text characterizes the contemporary subjects of radical helplessness, represented through the categories "muslim" and "rabble", emblematic figures of the brutal inequality that characterizes capitalist societies, notably Brazilian. Dialoguing with Rosa, the article highlights psychoanalysis as a clinical practice and theoretical reflection on the effects of discursive destitution in which subjects are placed in extreme situations of suffering and shows how working with adolescents in conflict with the law reveals a privileged field for the production of an expanded clinic.
Palavras-chave : helplessness; psychoanalysis; social discrimination.