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vol.7 número1A cidade dos anjos do improrrogávelAmor e revolta: contribuições de Hannah Arendt e Albert Camus para uma ética absurda índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Polis e Psique

versão On-line ISSN 2238-152X


PELLEJERO, Eduardo. The sign of our passion. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2017, vol.7, n.1, pp.74-83. ISSN 2238-152X.

We tend to confuse the urgent with the undeferrable, but the undeferrable does not belong to the order of the tasks, no matter how urgent they could be. The undeferrable, in fact, does not admit the mediation of the projects. Even in the confusion of the battles we fight as actors of our own history, it raise its voice. It demands an immediate consummation. Literature, art and philosophy, constitute privileged forms of the udeferrable. This essay aims to explore them, through the exam of some revealing cases, in order to show the way they constitute the sign of a passion able to make us ungovernable subjects.

Palavras-chave : Undeferrable; Passion; Literature; Art; Resistance.

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