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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


OSSOLA, María Macarena. Young indigenous people and higher education in Argentina: Experiences and challenges of enrollment, maintenance and university graduation. Desidades [online]. 2020, n.26, pp.39-51. ISSN 2318-9282.

The article presents the debates generated around the access, maintenance and the graduation of young indigenous people in argentinian universities. In the introduction the contexts of cultural diversity and economical inequality in which indigenous people develop their social and scholar trajectories are described. Next, the difficulties for the enrollment and the challenges of maintenance in the university are presented, pointing towards the mechanisms employed by the universities to retain the indigenous students and highlighting the importance of the participation in outreach projects and scientific dissemination. Then, the challenges associated with the professionalization and the tensions surrounding the roles of indigenous intellectuals is approached. Subsequently, attention is directed towards some of the specificities of university training among the wichí in the province of Salta (Argentina). Lastly, the contributions of indigenous university students to the interculturalization of higher education and the generation of plural citizenship is emphasized.

Palavras-chave : young indigenous people; higher education; intercultural; diversity; inequality.

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