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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


DELGADO, Abel Ponce  e  OLIVA, Karima. Education and communication of heritage: A look at the development of creative potential in childhood. Desidades [online]. 2020, n.26, pp.72-84. ISSN 2318-9282.

The present investigation has as central subject the study on the development of the creative potential in children from the museum seen like scene of communication of the patrimony. With this purpose we investigate the communicative dynamics both at an institutional level and at the level of the educational agenda of three reference museums in Spain: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Real Jardín Botánico and CaixaForum. As a general objective of the research, we set out to evaluate the impact of the public and educational programs projected by the museums under study, to the children's audience in relation to the development of creative potential in the participating children. The fundamental results obtained at the end of the investigation reveal a system that determines the activity and its level of impact, considering the connection of three domains: cultural, institutional and the training domain.

Palavras-chave : childhood; creativity; creative potential; heritage communication; education in museums.

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